Fellowship In Diabetology (Integrated Medicine)
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Fellowship In Diabetology (Integrated Medicine)

One-Year Internationally Accredited (45 CPD Points), Fully Online Fellowship in Diabetology (Integrated Medicine) for MBBS/ AYUSH Practitioners/ Other Healthcare Practitioners.

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About the course

Course Overview:

  • Duration:        1 Year
  • CPD Credits:   45 CPD Hours
  • Course Level:  Fellowship
  • Language:       English
  • Enquire Now:  +91-9453272641

This 1-year, IAOTH, UK-accredited online Fellowship in Diabetology (Integrated Medicine) is for MBBS/BAMS/BHMS/BUMS and other graduate healthcare practitioners. This fellowship is designed for healthcare professionals who want to broaden their understanding of Integrative Medicine / Integrated Medicine. It provides a comprehensive understanding of diabetes, its diagnosis, integrative medical approach to management, and prevention. Covering various aspects of diabetes, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and related complications, this course equips doctors with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage and treat patients with diabetes. Participants will gain insights into the latest advancements in diabetes research, diet and lifestyle modifications, medication management, and patient education. This course is designed for continuing healthcare awareness and education and hence does not lead to a change in the existing professional licensing status of the graduates. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded Virtued's Fellowship in Diabetology (Integrated Medicine).


  • MBBS
  • BAMS
  • BHMS
  • BUMS
  • B.Sc. in Healthcare
  • Other Graduate Healthcare Professionals

Study Load:

  • Weekly: Upto 2 hours Pre-recorded Videos + PDFs + Quiz

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive understanding of integrative medical approach to diabetes
  • Latest advancements in diabetes research
  • Management and treatment strategies
  • Diet and lifestyle modifications
  • Prevention and complications
  • Fellowship certificate upon completion

What you will learn:

  • Enhance Your Knowledge
    Gain a comprehensive understanding of diabetes, including its different types, causes, symptoms, and risk factors.
  • Learn Latest Advancements
    Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in Diabetology to provide better care and treatment options to patients.
  • Master Management Techniques
    Learn effective strategies for managing diabetes, including medication management, diet planning, and lifestyle modifications.
  • Prevent and Manage Complications
    Explore preventive measures and effective management techniques for complications associated with diabetes, such as cardiovascular diseases, neuropathy, and nephropathy.
  • Become an Expert in Diabetology
    Upon successful completion of the course, receive a certificate of Fellowship in Diabetology (Integrated Medicine), demonstrating your knowledge and commitment to diabetes care.


What you'll learn

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